Thursday, 30 September 2010

Her Royal Flyness

Check out my 2 new handbags! Can you tell I have a thing for red!

My friend Lani designs and hand makes these really cool custom made bags using anything form seat belts to beautiful fabrics. I have a portfolio bag on order too (can't wait!).

If you're anything like me and you love your shoes and handbags, check out Her Royal Flyness or follow her on twitter.


Apple iPad

I celebrated my 36th birthday last weekend and was extremely spoilt by my husband. On Monday night he arrived home with the much anticipated Apple iPad. I love it. Well I would love it if I could get my husband off it. Take 5 and check it out at

I will keep you posted on the latest and greatest from the iPad - if I can get my hands on it. Cheers, Adele

Monday, 27 September 2010

Lost & Found

Ever noticed how (thanks to Rudd emergency stimulus package) there's gazillions of not so old TV's just thrown out & lying around streets, parks & back alleys these days?

We've found a new home for them on 'stuff that switches us on'.


Found: Checking out the view from number 90's wheelie bin in Surry Hills
When: 11.13am Saturday 25th September 2010

Friday, 24 September 2010

Google new

Check out the amazing new website from Google that demonstrates their new products and updated features of existing products. I am in love with Google and I love their promo video - click here to view.

It really needs to be viewed via Chrome which you can download for FREE.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

The Thousands City Guide iPhone app

If you already love the TwoThousand website, then you'll love this app! My husband and I are heading to Melbourne in a few weeks so I'm sure it'll come in handy (literally). To be able to select a bar, restaurant, shop, cafe etc in the palm of our hands is awesome.
Using The Thousands City Guide iPhone app is easier than refreshing your browser: choose your city, select your cultural pursuit and simply browse reviews. And remember, they only feature the good stuff.
It also has a 'Near Me' function which pulls up all content close enough to hit with a stick, while the 'Must See' lists feature the best hangouts and happenings chosen by the editors in each city. There are also hookups to email and Twitter if you're the kind of person who likes those things.
If you've ever been in desperate search of a bar on a Friday night, if you've been lost one suburb over, or wanted to live like a local (not a tourist), then the Thousands City Guide iPhone app is for you, and for the people who ask to borrow your phone.

Go Doggies Go!

Welcome to our new blog!

Like most people, in the last few years, we have emersed ourselves in the social web world via Facebook, Blogs, Twitter etc. It can be hard to keep up with the constant conversation but its a hell of a ride! Mind you, who really needs to know when someone tweets that they've been to the bathroom! And yes, I did actually get one of those.

Everyday we come across interesting stuff that we'd love to share and what better way via our new blog. Sign up and feel free to share.


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

TwoThousand – The best cultural guide for things to do in Sydney

TwoThousand is a weekly snapshot of Sydney's subculture - a Sydney guide to film, music, design, books, art, goods and links for people who realise that the best things in life are often hard to find. Click here to check it out.