It's the latest craze, we've hopped on board. Stuff all the paper sticking, stapling, scissor cutting - pinterest makes it easy to virtually create moodboards for things like home ideas to the ever popular wedding inspiration boards. But for us, we're using it as a tool to find design inspiration. Follow us on
pinterest here.
In the meantime, this pinning craze has also been used for marketing promotions and brand enhancement. Two recent campaigns that have utilised Pinterest are Kotex and
Kikki K.
Kikki K teamed up with Loreal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF) and asked pinners to create a digital fashion inspiration board using pinterest, inspired by Kikki K's new seasion collections for a chance to win; tickets to LMFF, a funkis prize pack & Kikki K's new collection. In order to be in the running to win and also to judge all the pinterest boards, the pinners had to submit their board onto
Kikki K's facebook page.
Such an innovative campaign, that got users interacting n' getting inspired by current brand collection but also linking a primarily stationary based brand to a wider fashion audience. Clever stuff!
Next on the Pinterest boat, but more of an international campaign - is this well researched and genius campaign by Kotex. It gathered big numbers in terms of interactions between consumers and saw its online profile skyrocket simply by pinning. See the whole thing come to life in the video below.
For all our lovely email subscribers
click here to view the video.