Thursday, 27 September 2012

Movie Apps

Who would've thought that apps would be used to promote movies.

This app takes it a whole other level. Watch the video below to find out more - are you a fan or is it a bit gimicky? Would you download it and become "part of the Sapphire Story"?

For our lovely email subscribers click here!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Travelling Bikes

Who likes a G&T? Hands up. You wouldn't get too many people who'd turn down that offer.

This niche concept is fantastic. One type of drink (you guessed it) a G&T, two guys and a bike. They pedal to your venue and set up a pop up bar, bikes et al with an array of Gins on offer. Do I hear a big cheer?!

Simple, portable and a great alternative to the usual "pop up bar". Now can we order them to pedal down under? Probably not. But it's a neat idea.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Infographics n' coffee cups

This is a great campaign that combines computer generated infographics and takes the idea of instant personalisation to the next level. Graphics are generated using live visualisation as the coffee gets brewed - the label is then attached to the coffee cup prior to tasting. Pretty crazy stuff.

We love the concept but would it make you buy the machine? And does the campaign show the full functionality of the machine or is it just a whole heap of pretty graphics?

For all our lovely email subscribers click here.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Our favourite things in September

*Ahhhh-choooo* Spring is definitely well and truly here. Aren't you lovin' it. We sure are, that sunshine is so good looking - we just want to move our macs into the street but alas reflections on the screens wouldn't make our jobs easy?! Here's what we're getting up to this month...

1. Coffees at Corduroy
Tiny bars and tiny coffee shops make us stop n' stay. This newbie (well about 6 months old) is part of the Little Marionette family and has super cute button stools and does a hell-tasty piccolo.