Thursday 14 February 2013

Supermarket Sweep January

Every Monday morning, we gather around our large boardroom table and go through the WIP (work in progress). It's usually a long list - but it's a task that keeps us on top of our deadlines and helps us plan the week ahead.

What you may not know, is that after every WIP we have a presentation called 'supermarket sweeps'. We have a schedule for the whole year, where a staff member is allocated the task of  'sweeping' supermarkets, bottle shops and convenience stores for a week. Their mission - to snap promotions that tickle our fancy, point of sale that strikes a cord or just anything that makes us stop-during-our-shop.

This week's sweep was by Shelley (our account manager working across Bacardi Lion and Campbell Arnotts). Here are a few of the top things that came out of her supermarket week.

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